Thursday, March 13, 2008


Recent news reports exposed the indiscretions of New York’s governor. As a result, many of us cluck and tsk at the governor's actions, secretly priding ourselves in our own self-control. We like to comfort and reassure ourselves that we are somehow above such traps.

The way of the world is to accuse and condemn. We become vocal in our judgment, myself included, about such risky ventures of indulgence.

If I alter my perception from judgment/worldly to purposed/spiritual, I have a different view. What I see from this perspective is the sacrifice of being exposed in a compromising pleasure. But instead of focusing on deserved judgment, I realize that even this transgression is covered by God's grace.

Offensive, isn't it. The offense of forgiveness and covering of gross immorality is distasteful - unless we happen to be in the position of needing that kind of grace.

No doubt life is painful right now for his wife and children as the force of that falling rock radiates like crashing waves from the point of impact. Eventually the waters will calm again. In the interim, my perspective has evolved from one of judgment to one of grace, something we all need in good measure on a daily basis.

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